Northern Kentucky - Courtney Tidwell
Courtney Tidwell
Keller Williams Realty Services
Florence, KY
REALTOR® la Courtney Tidwell at Keller Williams Realty Services
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CENTRU DE PIAȚĂ Keller Williams Realty Services

Despre Mine

Hi there, my name is Courtney Tidwell, I am a brand-new agent in the Kentucky area. Real estate has always been one of my primary interests growing up. I believe every home has a uniqueness and I believe in finding the best home and or dream home for my potential clients. I will always try to put a touch of laughter and lightheartedness on all aspects of buying a home, especially the tough aspects of buying a home, all while providing personalized service to each and every client I work with.

A little about me, all while going through schooling and starting my real estate career I have been and currently am a bartender and have been doing so since 2016. With being a bartender for so long I have cultivated the skills of patience, persistence and high-quality service by understanding the importance of customer service. A hobby, well really a lifestyle of mine that I started several years ago is my nutrition and health, I am very active in the gym and eating healthy is something I am oddly passionate about. Maintaining my health for longevity reasons is very much a passion of mine and has really shaped me into the person I am today.

With that being said I am here for all of your needs that are under my expertise, please call and or reach out anytime for further assistance with your home buying or selling needs, if I do not get back to you right away, please leave a message or shoot me a text and I will get back to you as soon as possible. I cannot wait to help with your home buying experience.

Hope you have a great day,

My Preferred Vendors
A curated selection of vendors that I trust and recommend for various services. Discover reliable businesses that offer exceptional quality and a commitment to excellence.
My Preferred Vendors
I've worked with exceptional businesses and service providers. If you need information or recommendations for lenders, contractors, remodelers, and more, please don't hesitate to reach out.
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Courtney Tidwell
Courtney Tidwell at Keller Williams Realty Services

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Keller Williams Realty Services
7210 Turfway Road Florence, KY 41042

Courtney Tidwell
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